Talk Telecom has an innovative telephone solution approved for the JANET (ja.NET) schools and higher education network.
The hosted VoIP cloud based telephone system from Talk Telecom will benefit schools, colleges and universities that use the JANET network, as the ja.NET network can be used for voice calls and can therefore greatly reduce the cost of calls.
The hosted cloud based telephone system from Talk Telecom enables schools, colleges and universities to adapt and change to the changing environment. Talk Telecoms tailored telephone calls package for schools, colleges and universities enables them to be flexible and adapt to an increase or decrease in demand as and when required.
With Talk Telecoms cloud based VoIP solution a college, university or school can benefit from free calls between teachers, classrooms an students when a hosted telephony system is deployed by Talk would like to find out more, call one of Talk Telecoms educational team who will be happy to advise you on how you could be saving money. Telephone Talk Telecom on 0333 240 6660.