Crazy Cool New Curved Screen Laptop

Acer has unveiled the world’s first laptop to feature a curved screen.
The company says the innovation should make it more immersive to play video games on the machine which is great news for gamers!
Several TVs already featured the curved displays, but the feature has proved to be divisive because it has both benefits.
The Predator notebook’s screen is much bigger than the norm – measuring 21in (53.3cm) – but it is its shape that made it possible for the company to claim a “world’s first”.
Curved screens are widely used in cinemas as they are said to produce a greater sense of depth, because the images they show are not on a flat plane.  The model’s other unusual feature is the inclusion of eye-tracking technology developed by Sweden’s Tobii.  The screen was originally developed to help people with disabilities control PC’s but people then soon realised it makes a great gaming pc.
The company also makes webcams that allow owners to watch and remotely play with cats and dogs by shining a laser and releasing treats.  Acer announced a new model that allowed up to eight people to interact with a pet at once, as well as accessories including a remote control “cat teaser” and a toy rodent that could be made to pop up out of a surface.
Until now, Motorola Mobility had been the only major tech company to have targeted the sector, although there are dozens of smaller firms involved.



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